Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Hey y’all! I’m Becca – wife to my amazing husband Austin and mama to my sweet little boy Jackson.

I started this blog for a few reasons. First, as a creative outlet for me to put into words the mish-mash of thoughts going on in my head. It’s a mess up there sometimes (who can relate?). Second, I want to be able to help other moms, or moms-to-be, or non-moms, in various areas of life. I feel like at this point, I’ve experienced enough to give some sound advice and motivation. Third, I want to connect with you! I know I’m not the only one whose experienced the highs and lows of life, and I want to create a place where we can all find support for the hard times but also laughter for the good times.

I recently made the transition from stay-at-home mom to working mom. I’m a college grad with a degree in Psychology that I’m still paying for and haven’t used. Thanks college. Though I’ve always considered myself a smart person, my knowledge the first 26 years of my life has NOTHING on what I know now. Since becoming a mom, I’ve learned more about love, life, and myself than I ever expected.

The past couple of years have changed me in so many ways. I’m in the midst of what I’m jokingly calling my “quarter-life crisis.” You could say I’ve started this journey of self-discovery and growth recently. This blog is my way to keep myself on track, while hopefully helping you along the way. Join me as I navigate this crazy mom life and find my purpose, and let’s all get to living our best lives.

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