Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Becca’s Babbles Chapter 1: How I Met My Husband & Our Love Story

Becca’s Babbles Chapter 1: How I Met My Husband & Our Love Story

I’m starting this Becca’s Babbles series where I’ll tell a story or just chat about what’s on my mind. No tips, advice, “helpful” content I guess; just a way for y’all to get to know me better. We’ll get personal, and I never hold back. Through reading my Becca’s Babbles, I hope you’ll get a better sense of who I am, why I am the way I am, and just maybe you’ll get something deeper from my stories. Here goes Chapter 1.


How I met my husband. If you know me and Austin, you’ve heard this story about a million times. We like to tell it, and so do our friends and family, because it’s pretty fucking random. It’s funny because neither of us was in a place in life where we wanted to meet someone, but sometimes the most random things can bring people together.

We met in March 2012. Spring Break. South Padre Island, Texas. Yup, we met at the infamous Coca Cola Beach. Well, not technically, but we spent a good amount of time there during those few days. I went to SPI for Spring Break with a group of friends and Austin went with his own group of friends. It just so happened that one of my friends went to the same University as Austin and his group. So, night one on the island, we went to these guys’ condo to party. We walk in, and I see him. No joke y’all, it was love at first sight. Yes, I was drunk. BUT STILL. I cannot explain it any other way. He was literally the best-looking guy I’d ever seen. I’m not even exaggerating. Love at first sight does exist.

Our first picture together the day we met.

So, we’re partying with this huge group, and I made it a point to introduce myself to and talk to Austin. We talked, laughed, and got to know each other the entire night. I could not get over how perfect he was – handsome, smart, funny, and a genuinely nice guy. Then he dropped the bomb on me.. he had a girlfriend. Of course he did, how couldn’t he? He was too good to be single.

I’m a good person. Let me just make that disclaimer before I continue. Drunk Becca, however, gives ZERO fucks. Drunk Becca decided, girlfriend or not, Austin was mine.

Austin and I continued to hang out (in our group) over the next few days and I continued to shoot my shot. We got to know each other, and I honestly knew that he liked me back. But it was just a flirty couple days and real life would start back up again. Once we got home from SPI, I kind of figured I’d never talk to him again. Thankfully, I was wrong.

Austin texted me first upon getting back to the real world. He still had a girlfriend, but we just talked as friends. He knew I liked him, so I always wondered why he was talking to me, but my heart knew it was because he had the same feelings back. This went on for months. It got to the point where we talked all day, every day, except when the girlfriend was around. If I was giving advice to anyone, I’d more than likely tell them to leave this guy alone and ignore him. It sounds so bad to say I was talking 24/7 to a guy I really liked, trying to win him over, when he had a girlfriend. But who takes their own advice??

During these first couple months, I got a Facebook message from Austin’s sister. I thought for sure she was going to let me have it and tell me to step back. But, she didn’t. She actually was really nice and we became friends quickly. Katy (his sister) would keep me up to date on Austin’s relationship woes. It was an all over the place relationship he was in, which made it that much more difficult for me to stand back.

After a couple months, Austin and his girlfriend broke up. Halle-freaking-lujah. It was like my prayers had been answered and I could finally shoot my shot without being turned down. So, we started dating. I was so happy and we were having so much fun together. We went to concerts, bars, hung with tons of friends, visited each other at work, met each other’s parents. It was everything I had been waiting for. Then, just as quickly as it started, it was over.

The (ex) girlfriend came back into the picture. She wanted to work things out. Austin was in that weird place in life where he didn’t know what he wanted and she was the girl that manipulated him back to her every time. We’ve all had that relationship. So, needless to say, he took her back and I was chopped liver. We stopped talking completely. I don’t remember how long they were back together for, but it wasn’t long. He started talking to me again, so I knew there was trouble in paradise.

Long story short, they broke up, Austin and I started talking again, then the same thing happened. I swear. The same fucking thing happened AGAIN. She wanted him back, he went back. This time, I was completely heartbroken. Like slept in bed with mom at 21 years old, crying myself to sleep heartbroken. It SUCKED.

I remember crying my eyes out to my mom about how much I loved him and how I couldn’t understand why he kept going back to her. Everyone in his life told him she wasn’t right for him. Everyone wanted him to be with me. And deep down, I knew he loved me too. My heart always knew we’d be together. Honestly, that made things a little easier. I figured I just had to let life play out because things were going to happen how they were supposed to. We were meant to be together, and when the time was right, we would be.

Fast forward to March of 2013. They were broken up once again, but I wasn’t so quick to be his rebound this time. I actually had a boyfriend. I was doing my own thing, not concerning myself with Austin. I just needed that break.

I was never truly happy in the relationship I was in, and once Austin and I got back on good terms (as friends), I realized that I couldn’t lead this guy on anymore. So I ended things. Austin and I talked and got back to a good place. We started hanging out without taking things too seriously. I think this time, we were just truly getting to know each other without trying to rush any kind of relationship. We took things slow for 2 whole months.

It was May 2013, and we were both graduating college. My mom threw me a graduation party, and of course Austin was there. It was so much fun, and I got SO drunk. That’s when I told Austin I loved him and I wanted him to be my boyfriend. Apparently he agreed because we were in a relationship when I woke up the next day.

And we’ve been together ever since.

March 2019 - visiting the house we met at.

Our story has a lot of back and forth, and it’s an interesting one to tell, but I wouldn’t change it for anything. Sure, it’s nice to have a cute fairytale love story, but ours is real and raw and so far from perfect, and I love that. I love that I’ll get to tell my kids one day that sometimes true love doesn’t just “work.” It TAKES work. And patience. And sometimes, heartbreak. But when you know you’re meant to be with someone, and have faith that it’ll happen when it’s supposed to, that shit storm seems a little less cloudy.

I’ve loved Austin since the moment I saw him. I always give him shit for not “liking” me at the beginning, but I know he did. We’ve come a long way in 7 ½ years. I love him more everyday and I’m so grateful for that drunken Spring Break trip. And to everyone that thought I looked “desperate” trying to win him over, who’s laughing now?

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