Wednesday, September 25, 2024

How to Save Money on Baby Clothes: Tips for the Frugal Mom

Babies are expensive. We all know that. The diapers, wipes, car seat, stroller, formula, breastfeeding supplies, crib, toys, etc. The cost of these things is (for the most part) out of our control. But one thing that can be in our control: CLOTHES.

It’s easy to splurge and dress our little ones in the cutest name brand outfits with every matching accessory imaginable. But for us frugal mamas, it can be physically painful to spend so much money on something that will be used for such a short time. Luckily, there are several ways to save money when it comes to buying your baby’s clothes.

I’ve used every method in this post, and still do, and saved THOUSANDS of dollars on clothes for Jackson.

Here are my top tips for being a money saving mama:

Buy used. If you don’t follow any of my other tips, please do this one. I know for some, the thought of buying used clothes can be “gross.” Who knows what’s been on that fabric? But believe me, your baby will not get sick from wearing something another baby wore for literally a matter of hours. Wash it when you get home, and if you really want to sanitize: steam it, soak it, wash it 2 or 3 times. Whatever makes you feel better!

I’ve found some STEALS shopping at used kids’ clothing stores like Once Upon A Child and Kid to Kid. For even better deals, hit up a Goodwill. They basically give away baby clothes (not literally, but they are very cheap). Buying used not only saves you money, but it helps save landfills from being filled with unwanted clothing. Keep your wallet full AND landfills empty? Talk about a win-win.

Shop online. This one can actually go hand-in-hand with buying used, but it’s a tip of its own. I like shopping online at typical baby stores (Gymboree, Gap, Old Navy, etc.) rather than in person, because you can almost always find a promo code or some sort of sale to help you save. These discounts are often only valid online, which is actually great because you can keep your butt home while saving money. Just don’t be fooled by “sales” that are really not sales, and only do this if it’s truly a good deal.

Another way I love shopping online is on sites like eBay and Poshmark. You can find some awesome deals on these sites – for used and new items. You can get those name brand pieces for much cheaper, and many sellers also offer huge lots of clothing/accessories for a fair price. There are many other similar sites, but these 2 are my personal favorite.

Don’t buy shoes until baby is walking. I learned this lesson the hard way. Jackson had bins FULL of shoes before he was even born, for absolutely no fucking reason. It was a pain in the ass to even try shoving those chubby feet into little crib shoes, and I quickly realized how much money I’d wasted.

I know, the tiny Vans and sparkly mini UGG boots are SO DAMN CUTE. But you don’t need them. Babies look just as cute with socks, or barefoot, and it’ll just make your life a lot easier. Besides, walking shoes are expensive so you’ll want to save that newborn shoe money for the future.

Don’t buy name brand. By name brand, I just mean brands that are higher in price than the average Carter’s, Cat & Jack, Children’s Place. Places like Gymboree and most baby boutiques have amazing quality items, but you’re going to pay a pretty penny more, and it’s just not necessary. The exception to this rule is if you’re buying used or getting great online deals.

Babies don’t know whether they’re wearing Walmart or Nordstrom clothes, and neither will anyone else. Put the little one in the $2 Walmart onesie and you won’t be heartbroken when they stain it with blowout poop. There’s nothing wrong with rocking name brands, but babies just don’t need to.

Keep it simple. I went a little (ok, a lot) crazy with Jackson’s wardrobe when I was pregnant. I thought I’d be dressing him up so cute everyday, and I just had to have “options.” I didn’t dress him up everyday, or hardly any day to be honest. More on that here. He wore a basic onesie EVERY SINGLE DAY and pants if it was cold. All the button downs and jeans just sat in the closet collecting dust.

You really only need bodysuits, shorts/pants, socks, PJs, and sweaters/jackets. T shirts will most likely replace bodysuits as your baby gets older, but when they’re small, t shirts don’t really work. He/she doesn’t need to dress up to go anywhere. It’s totally acceptable for babies to wear monkey print onesies EVERYWHERE. Really, no one cares. Just stick with what I mentioned above and you’ll have everything you need.

And there you have it – my top tips for saving money on baby clothes. Of course there are many other ways, but these are the ones I swear by, learned the hard way from, and still stick to to this day.

Babies grow SO FAST and it’s just not worth spending tons of money on clothing for them. Spoil them in this way when they’re older and they can appreciate it.

And let’s be honest, they’re ALWAYS picture perfect no matter what they’re wearing anyway.

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