Wednesday, September 25, 2024

My First Amazon Prime Wardrobe Box: Thoughts and Review

Today I received my first Prime Wardrobe box from Amazon. I’ve know about Prime Wardrobe for a while, but I never really took the time to look for enough stuff to fill a box. Well, cue two days of weather below 70 degrees and one long sleeve shirt in my closet, I decided now’s a better time than ever. By the way, if you're not in Texas (or the South), below 70 is cold.

So, I spent a night online shopping and adding things to my cart; 8 things to be exact. I placed my order and got my package five days later. I think that’s a pretty quick turn around considering Amazon Prime products can come from all over the country.

Here’s what I picked out (not styled how I’d wear them, but I wanted y’all to see everything so you know what link is for which item):

*The following links are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

1) Cold Shoulder Sweater -

2) Black Fringe Sweater -

3) Black Slip-On Shoes -

4) Orange Pearl Sweater -

5) White Denim Skirt -

6) White Ruffle Sleeve Sweater -

7) Denim Skirt -

I did order 8 pieces, but one of my picks somehow got left out of my package, and I got a totally different top I didn’t order instead. That was a little disappointing, but Amazon has amazing customer service so they removed the cost of the missing item from my box so I wouldn’t be charged for it. I mean, I still wanted to try the jeans, but I’ll add them to my next box.

Another important point I want to add is that several of the items I chose had VERY different prices than what was showing when I got the links for this post. If you’re pretty familiar with Amazon, then you know prices change all the time. But, with Prime Wardrobe, whatever you decide to keep will be honored at the price it was when you shipped your box. Which is awesome! If you happen to catch something when it’s on sale, you can get some seriously good deals.

All in all, I’m really happy with my experience! Amazon’s fashion selection is actually really good, but I do wish they had more options for Prime Wardrobe. I did find some cute pieces at really good prices though, and they were delivered to my door for free. I mean, that’s a pretty sweet deal. I’ll definitely be using this service again; Amazon has my business until the end of the time!

If you’re thinking about trying out Prime Wardrobe, I say do it! You literally have nothing to lose. It’s a great concept and the process is so smooth. Let me know what y’all think about the service if you’ve tried it! Until next time!

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